Unpacking the CII vs PFS Debacle with Sarah Lord & Alasdair Walker
In this episode:
Abraham is joined by Sarah Lord and Alasdair Walker to discuss what’s going on between the PFS and CII. You’ll gain clear insight into the issue at hand, covering:
What is going on with the PFS and CII, and the relationship over the past few years?
The announcement on 21st December 2022 and what that meant
What led to the CII making this decision
What is the primary focus of the PFS?
Does the CII actually have to consider feedback?
What is the way forward and the key actions which need to be taken?
Website mentioned:
What can you do?
Email Don MacIntyre, don.macIntyre@thepfs.org with your PFS pin and full name which will be counted as a member call for an EGM.