Episode 31: Carl Richards

Headshot of Carl Richards from the Behaviour Gap, Chartered Financial Planner

Carl Richards

Creator of The Behaviour Gap

You can also listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts & Spotify.

In this episode:

Abraham has a fascinating conversation with Carl Richards, discussing:

  • What he’s been up to since 2020, from his last and first event post-pandemic

  • Carl’s famous sketching, how it came about and how it became crucial to people understanding

  • Are financial planners ‘sellers of certainty’?

  • How complex environments shape who we are

  • The significance of goals, how to set them and how to develop a statement of financial purpose

  • Why financial planners should be a ‘guide with a changing landscape’

Guest profile

Carl Richards is a Certified Financial Planner™ and creator of the Sketch Guy column, appearing weekly in The New York Times since 2010. Carl has also been featured on Marketplace Money, Oprah.com, and Forbes.com. In addition, Carl has become a frequent keynote speaker at financial planning conferences and visual learning events around the world.

Where to find Carl:

LinkedIn - Carl Richards

Twitter - @behaviorgap

Websites - behaviorgap.com



Episode 32: Chris Hayes


Episode 30: George Kinder